Tuesday, November 23, 2010

ESSAY BRUH. its DONE. I am DONE with the GARCIAS. They are DONE!

People might come from the same culture, where men are powerful and women are forced to give up their lives but they can have different endings. In the  book How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accent by Julia Alvarez and House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisnero. These two books are based on the same topic but have different endings. Both the books show a story about women who are empowered, dealing with their culture and the men in their lives, they have to face these problems in their daily lives and have to find a way to overcome them. These stories have similar begins but the ending is very different from each other.
In the books they are based on the culture that are in the characters lives. The culture in both books are similar to each other because it is from a place where men are in control and women listen to demands. These character both come from a place of poverty and having to fit into the “American life style”. But these stories does not have the same ending that people expect because both books went opposite direction in the end. In the book How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accent, the women in the story left their culture behind. Throughout the book the author discusses that the women are branching out of their homes and finding men outside of their culture. The girls start to rebel on their culture and become more into the American life with going out and dating guys. The girls start to become independent and have the power to control their lives and do whatever they want that is best for them. When they felt their culture, they had to learn a lot about the outside world but it was better for them because now they are able to do whatever they want with no one holding them down. Unlike the women in House on Mango Street, where the culture is similar the Garcia Girls but the girls where forced to listen to every single word the men say. In this story the culture was more powerful and it had full control of the girls lives. They were never able to revolt and leave, they were trapped in this town where they will soon have to marry at a young age and that is the end of their life because their freedom is gone. These books have culture similarity but the women in Garcia Girls were more in control of their lives and was able to revolt and start a whole new life, not like House on Mango Street who were trapped into a culture that will never let them leave.
In addition in both of the books, the women have trouble with men but one book is able to solve their problems unlike the other. In How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accent, the girls are able to leave the dominant men when they left their culture. Those men were their past now because they are able to find other men who are able to treat them better and give them a choice, “ ‘I’ll always love you!’ he said, splurging. ‘Marry me, marry me.’”(70). This shows that the girls are able to branch out to a new culture and love a men who is not dominant and control. The men was able to give them some freedom and the girls were happy with that, even though they have some problems with men they always had a way to solve it. On the other hand on House on Mango Street, the girls are forced to stay at home and learn how to do housework and marry men form their culture. For example, “Sally got married like we knew she would, young and not ready but married just the same”(101). This explains that the girls are forced to stay in their culture and marry at a young age, they are giving up everything. That is what most girls do in their culture and it does not change. These two books show what to do and what not to do. They are explains of how people are able to leave or stay in a culture where men are the dominant group and they gets to call all the shots.
Also, in these two books it shows that women are low on power but it is based on them and their story. The stories is in favor of the men also, it describes a lot about culture and where they came from. The structure of the story is very similar to each other and have a passage of leading to our society now and how everyone is rebelling. Or some people are staying into their culture but they are suffering. The books tell two different stories about how life can end and how people are able to choice what kind of life they want instead of being trapped into a box by men. The books are a great way to learn about lives that a chosen for the girls and how they have to work with what they have in life. Furthermore, it shows that women need to step p and take power so they are able to get their life into order and call it there own.
In conclusion, both stories gives an example of what is happening in out society. The story is mostly based on women and how they suffering in their daily life. The books talk about many topics about culture, men, and enforcement of power. In society women need to take charge so men will not walk over them and think they are the in full control. Us, women have to stand up and become independent and learn from House on Mango Street and How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accent.

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