Friday, September 24, 2010


As, I was reading though blogs and Tram’s blog really caught my attention she talks about how comfortable she is with her body,

If I was granted a chance to change a body part, I would not take it. I am very comfortable with the body that I was given. But for the sake of the readers entertainment - you - and my perfect A, I would swamp my brain for a smarter and better functioning one. Let us be honest to each other here, my brain has minor glitches and a slow reflex response. Sometimes it even refuses to work at all. But it is fine, I am quite sanguine about it. I love the person I am and everything given to me since I was born. Sure, I whine and complain that I am not perfect and I would hate myself for 1 minute and 7 seconds but the truth is, There is not a thing that I would alter.

What Tram has said was very inspirational because she is able to be comfortable with her body and proud of what she is proud with. Not many people are comfortable of their bodies and believe they have to change to make themselves look better but the truth is they are pretty just the way they are. The human body is perfect in every shape and size and people should love their bodies and embrace it more and more everyday. I am not saying they should walk around naked or anything but they should just love themselves and should be proud what their mommas gave them.

High self-esteem is a significant aspect people need to live their life. Everyone needs to be able to love themselves and maybe at times they have moments like Tram who does not feel perfect but realizes those feelings are stupid because they are great. In addition, having high self-esteem is being able to joke around and not care of what people think about you. So, people should not care what others think about them and just embrace their beauty and do not complain about what their bodies look like. Be comfortable of who you are and understand that you are who you are and start loving yourself that is one of the best love you can ever have.

BTW. Tram Huynh you are beautiful just the way you are. :] I love you much grande. You better not alter yourself.

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