Thursday, September 16, 2010

Remarks by President Barack Obama

In President Obama speech he talked about how students had to take responsibility and how we are the future of our country. The responsibilities I have as a student is doing all my work and trying my best. Also, not giving on what I am doing and do what is needed of me. Obama talked about having goals for our future and that got me thinking on my goals for my education.
My goals are to study law and become successful in the things I do. I would like to get as far as I can with my studying and learn as much as I can. I don’t want my mistakes to bring me down but they should make me strong as a learner. I want to get as many opportunity as possible so I am able to support myself in the future. In the end, I just want to be able to go s far as I can with my education and learn everyday. Those are my goals in my education.
President Obama then talks about failures we have in life and how they can lead to success, and I completely agree with him because I learn most from failing. For instance, we had to do a paper in English class, we had to read the book Macbeth and it was written in old English so I hardly understand what I was reading when it was time to write the paper. I had no idea what to write it about because I didn’t understand the play. When I sat down and started to look for quotes and picking everything apart I started understanding the play and write my paper. I’ve learned if I put my mind to something and even if the book is hard I can use my read skills and be success at writing an essay.
In closing, President Obama wants us to think about our future and do not give up on what we are doing and just learn so we can make a better future. I know what I want to do in my future and I can see myself doing it. Also, I have all my goals that I want to do and complete in life so I am to be proud of myself. President Obama trying to make us set a goal for ourselves because he knows what is best for us.

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