Thursday, September 16, 2010

“Swagger-Style” Response

When I was reading Aleah’s blog post about “Swagger-Style”, I was trying to understand or figure out what she meant about Black or White dressing,
“Maybe its becuase I'm black but inter racial fashions annoy you? Sometimes I say this becuase ever since the saggin pance era started in person other than a black that was saggin hid pants, always had some negativecomment comming from them, But when Black guys start dressing like white guys with skinny jeans and skate boards no one sais anything. WHY IS THAT?”
    I was confusing on what she meant about interracial dressing. People are not define on how they are dressed because of race. In the society we live in there are different trends and everyone wants to stand out in their own way. Also, they should not be attacked for dressing differently or out of their “race”. Everyone is able to dress the way they want, it is a free country and most people wear the clothes they have because that is what they are able to buy.

Most people dress a certain way because they believe it is the style that is in right now. Dressing is different for everyone and a way to express themselves. In addition, most people dress the way that everyone is dressing in their area. The place they are living or the people around them is how they are able to learn how to dress. It has nothing to do with the color of our skin because you can go in the street and find a black and white person wearing the same thing and they might have the same personality. They are free to wear whatever they want and people should not say anything about it. It is just the way they want to dress.

In conclusion, Black and White dressing does not exist. Everyone is free to dress the way they want. “Race” is not something that tells people what they are able to wear, dressing up is a way we are able to express our creative side and show what we think what is style. So, I’m trying to understand what Aleah is trying to say but what she is saying is something that is not true. The truth is people are able to dress anyway they want and whatever they want, people would not care because they can find at least one person that dress the same as them.

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