Monday, September 13, 2010

Rebuttal: Born Gay Pro.

Rebuttal: Born Gay PRO.
Is human sexuality determine by birth? My partner Jackson and I argue that it is. We are born knowing who we like or who not to like; we are unable to control who we are attracted to.  People are born with a trait knowing who they like. It is not something they can choose; what they feel is something inside them.

Our opponent has said in their opening statement,
“The word 'gay' has been used time and time again in the most negative form possible. Since society has welcomed this, homosexuality is now something that is frowned upon, and ridiculed. Most people who have had homosexual thoughts or feelings shun them and neglect them because they do not want to become the outcast in society's perfect aristocracy of people.”
They do not provide any evidence to support there opinion. What they have said is something that they believe ,but have no proof to support. I believe this supports out belief that sexual orientation is biologically chosen. People that are homosexual know that many people shun them for different reasons; Many of them probably wish they were heterosexual because of all the negativity directed towards them. If they cannot control the urge to be heterosexual, wouldn’t that mean it was chosen for them?

Also our opponent has said,
Even if a person is born straight, experimentation or curiosity can no doubt lead to being gay/lesbian
This shows that our opponent believes a person is born heterosexual, and that the person chooses his/her sexual orientation later in life. Although a person’s sexual orientation is not obvious, we believe it becomes who they are progressing in life, because they contain a trait that leads them toward their orientation. No person is able to make the choice of what their sexual orientation is; it is chosen for them. A person cannot choose their sexual orientation because their orientation is biologically chosen for them when they are born.

In closing, people are born with a sexual orientation. Even if they are born heterosexual or homosexual, they are born with a trait that has already determined their sexual orientation. A person cannot choose how they feel because it is biologically chosen for them.

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