Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Describe the world you come from — for example, your family, community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

Growing up in a community where people did not care about their rights or believe they did not get much had me thinking why they thought that way. I observe how families struggle to get help for money or getting food on the table because they are unable to get help from the government or they have low paying jobs, I always question why did they have to struggle and get less while they are the people in need of the most help. I realized that they are affected with social problems the most. It is not right for the poor to get poorer. I want to be that person to help them, to stand up for them, be their voice. Becoming a lawyer for reproductive justice will help be achieve my goal.
I’ve been in a program called SAFIRE which teaches teenage girls about reproductive justices and how minority are treated in our society. This fall, I held a workshop with a group of girls from SAFIRE to teach the youth in my community about climate change and how it will effect their lives. The youth were mostly low-income students who understood learning about how they are taking advantage of and will be most effected by natural disaster that they can make a difference and take a stand. We taught them different ways to stop climate change, like using solar power, go to farmer markets, prevent companies from making factories in their neighborhood, they all learn that they had the power to do something. When we were finish with the workshop, we recorded videos of the youth and they told us what they have learn and how climate change would effect them. One of the youth said, “Climate change would have a negative effect on my family because I will near freeways and factories so my family and I will get sick from the gas” This got to me. It’s like someone hit me in the gut. The pain got me thinking about my family. I come from a low income family. My family can get sick from factories and highways and they would not ahve the power to do anything. I wanted to protect. That pain was like a way to open my eyes. To tell me that I need to make a difference to protect my family and families out there because these are my people who are being affected. These are low income families who are getting effected by factories and roads, who think they aren’t able to do anything. It is not fair for these families to suffer and risk their health because factory owner wants to have their business there, they should be able to stand up.
That is where I learn what I wanted to do with my life. Studying about people in my community that are held in low standard and are taking advantage, I wanted to do something. Those are my people who are being affected and I do not like that, they needed someone who is willing to stand up for them and fight for their rights. Explain to them that they have rights and do not have to let people push them around like that. They will get all their rights that can make their life better and have someone who is willing to help them. That is all I want in my life, to help others because they deserve it, they have rights that need to be fullfilled and I want to get them it anyway I can. I will help them like I am helping my own family, I will give them everything I got.  

Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

My parents would always stress out about money or getting my siblings what we want. Most the time when they stress out, they argue a lot. I am the youngest in my family and everyone thinks I don’t understand or thinks I don’t know what is going on but at a young age, I always knew what was happening. I observe what my parents say to each other and how it affects our household. I was scared at times when they argue but those argument would make them stronger. With all the yelling and fighting in my house, I never looked at the negative side of things.
In my mind, the more people fight in a relationship the stronger they will get if they are willing to keep trying. Now, when my parents fought they would get mad at each other for weeks when I saw that, I knew it was time for me to come in. I found any way to get my parents to talk or make them laugh. I knew how to get my parents to talk. It is easy for me. As a person I always see the positive sight in things, I don’t want to focus on the negactive when it is not needed. I am the problem solver, I know the right from wrong but I can make it in a way that can make everyone happy.
Interacting with people was easy for me. Seeing the positive side in any situation is easy because people able to still have motivation or knowing why things are happening can give out a different mindset. Instead of focus in the bad, I know that I can change it to turn it into a positive. Personally, I know life has it’s ups and downs but why worry about the downs if you can focus on the ups. Downs are like learning lesson, you learn from them then move on with life and don’t think about the downs focus on what will keep you up in life. That is how I see life in a way.

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