Wednesday, May 4, 2011


In the book “Ender’s Game” by Orson Scott Card, a young by name Ender does to battle school and becomes the hero everyone excepted him to be. Ender become one of the most greatest leader of all time and helped save the world. But he really missed his family. That is who he had in mind most of the time he was at school. Ender had an older brother and sister, Peter and Valentine. All of them are much alike but very different.

Peter was the older brother. He always wanted to work for the government to get power over everyone. He believe he was going to grow up to be the best soldier there ever was, but that ended up to be Ender. So, Peter was always jealous and furious with Ender. When Ender left to battle school, Peter got worse. The family moved to North Carolina when Ender left and Peter learned how to use his charm to get want he wants from grown up. Also he would torture kids the way he did with Ender. In addition, he got close to Valentine and they started to bound and get closer. All Peter ever want is to have complete control of the government and what is happening in space.

Valentine. She was the opposite of Peter. She knew what Peter was capable of. She knew the power Peter had on people and she was not scared of him but she hate him. Valentine tried every way to get Ender away from Peter. Valentine has brains, she was very smart and always have kept an eye on Ender. She was the closest to Ender and Valentine was the only person Ender really cared about. She hated the bound she grew with Peter. She hated Peter but she worked with him in a blog writing about the government. She hated what she had become into, she was turning in Peter but she always had Ender in mind. She based her life on protecting Ender, no matter and keeping Peter away from Ender.

Valentine and Peter were working together on a blog. They hid their identities so no one will know who they are. Later on, as they kept on writing they started to get a lot of power from their blogs. Peter liked the power he was getting and he enjoyed what people were saying about him. He was finally able to work with the government, he had manipulated them like he did with everyone else that he grew up with. On the other hand, Valentine did not like it at all but she worked with Peter. But when Peter tried to get closer to Ender and to get him to come back on Ender. Valentine drew the line. Valentine threaten to reveal their identities and tell everything that they have in plan. Valentine just turned into Peter in a bit when she did that because she is using what he did to others but now against him but she had a good reason to. She had always wanted to protect Ender no matter what.  

Ender grew up thinking that he was like Peter and he was scared of himself for it. Peter was known to be a killer. Ender did not have the heart to kill even though he did, he always found a way to make it up. Ender had feelings, he cared for others. While Peter did not care anyone but himself. He does things for him and only him and when he does not getting what he wants, he torture the others around him until he got what he want. They were almost the complete opposite but they were powerful. Ender had rage him and he was smart on the battle field unlike Peter. Ender did not want power, Ender just wanted to keep people safe while Peter wanted full demand on power.

While Valentine cared only for Ender. Every since the beginning of the book, Valentine had always protected Ender. Peter hated that. Valentine was able to win Ender over with her care. Ender and Valentine were the same, they are both smart. They knew what would happen and used their common sense. That is what they had over Peter. Valentine eventually protected Ender again by getting him to stay on other planet. So Peter would be the only Wiggin on Earth while Valentine and Ender leave and live without Peter.

Peter is one of those characters where, he will end up getting what he want even if that is losing everything he has. He wants power and he will get it. Peter wants Ender gone because Peter knows that Ender is one of the only people that can stop him if he gets power. But Peter does secretly always loved Ender but jealous and mad that Ender have chosen Valentine over him. It has to be Peter at all times and Ender needs to be gone to get that to happen.

The characters in Ender’s Game are complete opposite of each other but they need each other to survive. They are fighting against each other. The older siblings are fighting to get Ender attention, one is protecting him and the other is trying to hurt him. Ender is the middle of everything even though Peter and Valentine got along they had different things in mind of what they want to do with it. Valentine knew what Peter wanted to do but Peter never knew what Valentine wanted to do. They are complete opposite of each other but at times go, Valentine starts to learn from Peter and she turned into him for a bit and used his manipulation skills against him.

Ender is like Peter and Valentine build into one but more of Valentine. Ender is like the good Peter. He is a strong soldier that can control his anger and he has brains.  Ender is the strongest soldier in battle and he will never be like Peter. Peter and Valentine play a huge role in Ender life because Peter was the person Ender never wanted to be like and Valentine was Ender protecting or his will to fight.

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