Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Troy Davis.

I haven't been on this site in awhile but I need somewhere to write. .

Today, Troy Davis was executed. I believe he was innocent. Many people do but it was not my decision whether he was or not. It just mind blows me that Johannes Mehserle, a white police officer can murder Oscar Grant and get only a couple years in prison. and Casey Anthony who killed her baby, is innocent. BUT when Troy Davis, a black men murder a white police officer, he is put on death row. I did not see the justice in that. It just blows my mind. I will never understand the justice system.


  1. I'm an under-the-table, pseudo-anarchist. And my tribe would say, "The justice system, and most laws in general, are written by folks in power to keep the power where it is." The folks who start illegal wars that kill and maim thousands don't even go to jail even when we all know they're guilty, let alone a single guy who we DON'T know was guilty getting murdered the way Troy Davis was. You have to ask yourself, does the "justice" system work the way it does because it's broken, or because it's doing exactly what it was designed to do?

    Ahem. Cough, cough. Back to your regular non-anarchist teachers, everyone. Nothing to see here.

  2. I like your thinking. Our justice system is design that way. The people in power will always win. There are many guilty people in this world and there are thousands of people who are in jail that are innocent. Sometimes, I believe it doesn't matter if you did the crime or not but if you have a strong and powerful legal team, you will be innocent. Either way, we are all just screwed for life.
