Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tiff and Rahni, Y YO STORY SO GOOD?!!

    The family stories that I have in common with are Tiffany Cao and Rahni Johnson because they show how their family struggle and how they are here today. First in Tiffany story she talks about her parents leaving the country to be safe because there was a war going on in the country and the only way to be safe is to leave. Since, they were not able to leave with permission they would have to sneak out the country the best way they knew how.
“...moving for country to country. It was easy to blend in, but somehow we got caught, and my parents went to jail.”
This is similar and minds me of my story because it shows all the effort her parents did to come to America and how to give up what they had at home. Also they would have to risk everything they had like my parents to leave the country. Her parents did have a harder time leaving and went to jail but both our parents have the same reasons for living and that’s to keep their family safe.
    In Rahni analysis, she talks about how she appreciated her family for what they have done to provide for their family and how she reflects on how if her family did not do what they did then she wouldn’t be here today.
“This story also tells me how strong my family is, we have been through a lot, and if they gave up back then to take the easy way out, then I would not be here today.”
In addition, this is similar to my analysis because we both see that our parents that without them we would not be here today. Also they have put their family first in all their life and what they have for the future. If they did not do what they hve done for us then none of us would be here today and saying this in out analysis is kind of a way to say thanks to our parents and to show them that we do understand and get that without them, our life would not be the same. Also everything they have done if or u

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