Friday, March 18, 2011

Mom and Dad you are the best.

My parents were raised during the Vietnam war as they were getting older they knew that to get a better life for their family they would have to move to the United States. When my parents got married and had my sister. My dad and his brothers were forced to work in mining for the communist. They did not want to work because they were scared of getting sick or losing their family so they decided to take their family and run. So, my parents, my uncles and their family decided to leave Vietnam, my sister had to stay behind because she was only 6 months old and they did not want her getting hurt or having to suffer during their journey.
In April 1899, my parents and the others sneaked their way onto the boats. Unfortunately, my uncles and their family did not make it onto the boat because the police have captured but my parents were able to get away. On the small boat, that only fitted forty people, it would take them 7 days to get from Vietnam to the Philippines. My dad on the boat worked on the machines and help with what he could on the boat. Since, he had no money to pay the owner of the boat, my dad had to work for him during the time. They would have to live 7 days without any food or water, at one point my parents did not know how they were going to survive.
When they arrived to Palawan Philippines, they entered a refugee camp where they would be living for the next couple of years, they were able to leave the camp to get some food or anything they please. Both my parents did not have any money and they were starving when they saw a store and the people were eating food and drinking they could not stand but had to get something. My mom decided to exchanged her wedding ring for  Coca-Cola and that started their life in the Philippines.
They will be living in the refugee camp for the next 7 years and it was going to be one of the most difficult time of their life. But they good thing was they would not have to deal with communism and be happy with each other in the end. Both my brother and I were born in the Philippines. When my brother was born my parents were just starting their life together and they had what they needed to start a stable family. It was the point of starting something new and getting a good life until my brother started to get sick. He was in and out the hospital and my parents had no idea what to do. He kept getting sick, my parents couldn't take care of him cause they had to work but they tried the best they could. My mom worked at a market and my dad sold and fixed machines for a living but they did not make much money to get my brother a good doctor. So my brother had to go in and out the hospital for awhile.
As the years went on my parents started to struggle more and 2 years after my brother was born, they gave birth to me. When I was born, my parents started to realized that they are unable to raise two kids on their own and thought it was time to go back to their family in Vietnam. So, they planned to go back to Vietnam and hoped that it was safe to come back and have a family there. They plan that if they would want to raise their children it would be around family and it was time to return home. Well, this is the first half of my parents story, to set out a life they want for their family. There is more to the story and the ending is a great one because when they came to the United States it was the beginning of a story for our family and our family story is still going on.
When my mom tells me this significant story about her journey of her life, I am speechless of the things she is wiling to give up and to do for her family. My dad does not talk much about the past, he most talks about the war and how he did not want his family to have the life he had because it was hard. Growing up I knew that my parents have given up their whole life to raise their family in a safe place. So, all my family I knew that my role in the family is to be successful. I have to show my parents that they have given up their life and rick everything that have to make moving to the United States worth it. Also knowing this story just inspires me and shows me how much my parents have done and even though they can be strict or hard on me I know why and the reasoning behind it. They are the people that are giving me the chance to have this wonderful life that most people would wish they can have and I thank them a lot of that.
The reason my parents tell me this story about this journey is to give us a value to life. Also to show that if you really want something never give up because they really wanted a family and to give their children all the opportunity that they did not get, so they are teaching my siblings and I perseverance. My parents wants us to give us knowledge of where we have came from and never forget our past because that is who we are. My parents did not come from a lot but they are making it work and they want us to know that if they are able to survive for 7 days without food or water, then we are able to survive in school, work, and anything we put our mines to.
This story have connected to my life and me because without this story I would not be the person I am and where or what I am doing with my life and education. For example, knowing the story gave me a reason to pay back my parents for everything they have done for me and helped me realized that my life is worth being a success because I have two wonderful people believing in me every since I was born because they have never gave up. In addition, they have inspired me to do what I want with my life. I look up to my parents because what they been through not a lot people can say that they are able to do that and come here and get their children the life they always wanted.
My parents story is one of the most important stories of my life and I will never forget what they have told me and what they have been through to get here. I am thankful everyday for what they have done. It makes me really proud to be able to share this story to people and say ‘yeah my parents actually did that’.

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