Friday, March 4, 2011


In the book, Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, the second part of the book gives an introduction of what is going to foreshadow what  is going to happen in the next section of the book. The introduction shows a short story is a prediction of what is going to happen to the women's daughters in the future and how the they will end up rebelling against them. The moms in the story are controlling and except the best from their daughter.
In the first story, “Rules of the Game” Waverly Jong was a chess champion and is one of the best players but her mother except more from her. Instead of being allowed to do anything she wants, she is forced to play chess. Her mother is now forcing her into playing a game that she loves but soon, not to love anymore. When Waverly is pressure so much and gets into an argument with her mother, she runs away and that starts the rebellion against her mother. She eventually came back but her mother did not see her the same way, instead her mother is now disappointed and pays her no attention. This story of the book shows how the introduction and this section have in common. It is saying that if you forced someone into doing something so much and putting pressure, they will start to rebel.
The introduction gives out a theme on the section of the chapter. It sends an message to the audience that the moms in the story would like to stay in control of their child to keep them from getting hurt or rebelling but that ends up working against them because their daughter starts to hate them and rebel anyways. In the end the moms in the story will lose either way, what they are doing for their family is doing it in a good way but their daughter does not see it now.

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