Sunday, January 23, 2011

Social networks, Y U SO HARMFUL?!

Social Networks are making our society harmful rather then being a benefit. For example, teenagers use social networks like Facebook or Myspace to harass or bully each other and hurt others feelings. The more and more social networks are popular teens start to attack each other and say cruel and rude things that will end up in a bad situation. There are many cases of bullying on social networking that end up with someone committing suicide. Social networks are not used for connect with friends anymore, now it is a place where teenagers attacking each other and bullying everyone.
In addition, social networks are harmful because there are stalkers and creepers on the site. Some people might get harass by random strangers and end up being scared of what is happening to them on the website. Also, social networks does not have much privacy, anyone can see your photos and know what you are doing which makes it weird if you do not know the person. For instance, if you put a picture of yourself on the Internet anyone can see it, pictures can spread through out the network. That is a scary fact but it can happen to anyone so being safe and only talking to people you know on social networks is the safest because if you start to talk to strangers anything can happen and it is very dangerous.
Finally, social networks are dangerous because it is an easy way for people to keep in connect with you who you do not want to talk to. Also, most people might use social network to harm others by threats and aiming at people. There are not privacy in any website and if you put something there and it is up forever so be careful what you put online. Be safe online. Do not talk to strangers. Don’t put your problems on blast. Don’t bully others online. These are the reason why social networks are harmful and people or the creators need to find a safer way to protect their website. Social networks, Y U SO HARMFUL?!

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