Friday, January 21, 2011

My homie George Orwell BRUH!

In my opinion, political power is corrupt depending on the people who obtain it. The person that has the power have an option on what they will do with the power, they can either take complete control or share the power. The United States have a set of rules called the Constitution of Independence telling what you can or can not do. It is kind of a blueprint of how the United States should run but when those rules are not follow as plan, the power will get corrupt. If someone gets complete control over the country of course they will do whatever they want and let all the power get to their heads. The United States have an okay government that is very equal with power and ways of doing things.
George Orwell, in the book shows that the Animal Farm government is corrupt because the pigs say that ‘All animals are created equal’ but that is not true. The pigs are the one in charge and believe that they can do whatever they want. The pigs and bigger animals tell everyone what to do and when to do it. They are the master mind in the rebellion and manipulate all the animals to do all their work. Since, the pigs are the government, they keep a lot of things a secret from the other animals and do not want the animals to be as smart or know more than them because if so then the pigs will have some trouble. Even thought George Orwell show how the government in the farm is corrupt, he always shows how happy all the animals are. The animals do hard work but they do not mind they are enjoying their new society so, it gets you thinking and question if the government corrupt because the animals are enjoying their life being controlled by pigs.
I know I am contradicting myself but I am not sure where George Orwell stands because it is bad to have complete control of a government and tell your people what to do but when they are happy about it, then it is a whole different story.

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