Friday, December 17, 2010


I read Kaila’s blog about the things she hates, so now I want to talk about something I hate in the world :

Math: I just hate you. I used to like you in like 1st to 6th grade but then you got all complicated. Add all your stupid letters and making me find them. No one even needs to know about finding a stupid angle or all that other crap, it gives me a headache.

Facebook Changes: They are so stupid. All noise on the IM thingy is so annoying. I have to mute my computer very time I talk to someone. Also, the font on Facebook is so small, I can not see anything. Did they not consider the face that people have bad eye sight? Plus, I do not care if someone has a new display picture. Facebook you always took away my privacy when you tell people what I say. Facebook is making some bad changes. They need to stop.

Waking up: UGH.I hate waking up in the morning. I smell bad, never feel good, and I am not in the mood for anything. Waking up early is not the business, it takes so much energy and encouragement to get myself up in the morning. I just never want to wake up, it takes so much work.

AC Transit: I hate taking the bus. The bus drivers are never nice, they all mean and rude. The people on the bus, well some of them are okay but the really loud and obnoxious people are so annoying. Plus all the trash and tagging in the bus just makes the bus look bad. Also, the bus is never on time, and I have to stand in the cold for like 30 minutes and creepy people are around.

Rain: The rain kills everything. Nothing goes well when it is raining, that is why in movies when something bad happens it starts to rain, cause rain is not good. I had to stand in the rain for 2 hours waiting for my dad, I was so mad. I did not mind to wait but in the rain. I could have walked home if it was not raining and my dad could have picked me up if it was not raining cause there wouldn’t be any traffic.

Okay, these are some of the things I hate, I have more but they are not right to say on here cause I will get in trouble and it might get me mad and I start to cuss. So, yeah.

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