Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bruh, you are beautiful.

"My parents always tells me that I am fat, It brought me down so much that it lowered my self esteem. I would cry myself to sleep knowing that I will never be beautiful compared to other girls. It affected me so much that I would starve for the rest of the day and only have something to drink."

I feel for Christy, what she is talking about in her blog post about asking What is the definition of Beautiful? cause a lot of girls deal with the same problem. Our parents always discourage our appearance and how us girls are not good looking enough and compare us to other girls. They will always say ‘look at her she is skinny, why arent you like that?’ or they will call you want or say anything to just put girls down for their appearance. Parents will never be happy with anything and when you tell them that it hurts our feelings, they do not really care. They think that what they are saying are advice but it is not, what they are saying is rude and ignorant. I can not stand when my parents or any parent say that to their child, it disgust me.

For girls or boys that are deal with this problem, ignore your parents. You are beautiful just the way you are. Don’t ever listen to someone who is putting you down cause they are not better. Maybe they are just jealous cause of how beautiful you look. Beauty can be found anywhere, it does not have to be in appears, it can be anything. If someone does not agree with that then I guess they must be really arrogant. Also, stand up when your parents are putting you down, do not let them run all over you. Tell them the truth, say you are beautiful cause everyone is. If they do not believe that then they can suck it (sorry for my use of word).

Beauty comes from inside that is what people will love you most for. You can not be just pretty on the outside and really bitchy and stupid on the inside. No one will love you. Most the time or all the time, beauty counts on the inside. Who you are is your beauty.

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