Friday, October 29, 2010

Reflective Essay - My Blog & I

During the past few weeks, I realized that my writing structure have changed a lot from last year. My work is not the same as last year, I think am able to show what I am best at now because of the freedom my blog have given me as a writer and I want to take full advantage. So, I have realized my difference with formal and blog writing and how I get my ideas for my blog.
I do not write as formal as I used to, my writing at the moment is free and it expresses my feelings more. In formal writing, I am held to a structure that I have to follow and words that I have to use because that is what the reader want. Now, that we have been writing blogs I started to have my own kind of writing.

My writing now, I am able to call my own because I am free to write whatever I want and say whatever I want. As, a writer I feel that I have succeed because I realized that I know how my writing is and how it is different from formal writing. Writing in partial is really hard for me but on my blogs I find that when I express my thought about social concerned I have more to write about and my mind is more clear. Also, I am able to challenge myself as a writing because I always write about a need topic every week.

On the other hand, in formal writing I have to be trapped into a box where I have to connect my thoughts to a book or the prompt. That is not very easy to write because I have to be open minded but realized that I still have to stay on topic and have to connect my writing in one simple theme. For some people that might be easy but for me I have a difficult time and I will not have much to talk about. In my formal essay, I talk about the same theme or have the same prompt every time I am writing because that is the only idea I have. I have to trap myself and thoughts in a box because I have to connect with everything and keep it formal, I do not have to do that in my blog.

My formal and blog styles are very different. In the beginning I was kind of skeptical of the blogs because I wonder what am I suppose to talk about every week. I questioned if I have to stay in the writing structured I learned my love life or am I free to say or do whatever I want on my blog. I realized as I keep on writing my blogs every week that it is my blog. I am capable of doing whatever I want on it and still do a good job. The blog is free me to express my feelings about anything I want in a couple of paragraphs. I do not not have to trap myself in a box anymore because now, I have the ability to have a free space to write and have it be my grade. It is a stress relief. The best part I have learn is that I have my own style of writing that, I like to use.

In addition, to finding my style of writing, I have to find what am I going to write about every week. I get most of my ideas from the media. I want my work to have a meaning and show that I am paying attention to what is happening in our world and what can the youth do to help. One of my blogs I wrote about the 6 boys that died from suicide and that was a very emotional topic but I thought it was needed to be said. I found that story on Tumblr and it got to me and I wanted to say how I feel and just get the word out there so, I decided to write my weekly blog about it. That is how I found most of my idea.

Sometimes, I might find my ideas from my classmate. For example, a group of the sophomores where talking about English class last year and on Friday, I was thinking about what topic to write about and Ms.Valdez popped in my head. Then and there I decided it was the best time to give mt thanks to Ms.Valdez and show that she is missed at ASTI. Even though her class was a pain it was a good pain I guess. That is another way I find myself writing about a blog because it was the best way to show what I was thinking at the moment. And I was hoping that people would agree with me about the topic on Ms.Valdez. These are some ways I find my topics for my ideas.

My goal for the new quarter is being able to connect my blogs to bigger themes. I do not want it to be something small because no one would can I want it to be more inspirational. So, maybe getting deeper into my work would be a good idea I should think about writing. Also, I want to have a new ways of writing because it would be nice to change it up a little bit and have something that will stand out to the people.

I like where I am at right now with my work and how I am improving in every new blog I post and how I am able to get my feelings out more effectively. I have found my ability to write and how it is different from formal writing. Also, I have realized that most my ideas for my blogs just popped in my head or it had come form the media and I am using my voice to tell my peers what is going on in our society and what they can do to help. My goal is next quarter is just to improve my blogs every week and have a new topic that everyone is interested in so, people can be educated. I hope I will reach what I am trying to accomplish.

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