Friday, October 8, 2010

Teen Pregnancies Response.

Teenage pregnancies has been a massive social concern in our society and people are turning it into a reality show. That is ridiculous. I was reading through Gina’s blog and I agree with her quote,

“I have no idea why this show is aired on national television. What is its purpose? Does anyone know? I sure don't. This show is just a way to make money off of these poor girls who have made bad life choices. MTV  is not helping these girls nor are they helping the thousands of girls who are in the same predicament, they are simply using them as cash cows so that we can be entertained as we sit in front of our television sets. If MTV really wanted to help these girls, they would give them the resources to be able to continue on with their lives and be the best mothers that they can be.”

In my opinion, Teen moms should not be given a show, it just shows that teenagers are able to get away with anything and are given a privilege to be on T.V. That does not teach anyone anything. It  causes a bigger problem because it give teenagers a reason to get pregnant so, they can make easy money by getting on T.V. Teen moms should just keep their business to themselves and take care of what they need like taking care of their kids instead, of caring about getting on T.V. In a way, they are using their kid and that is not fair on their kid behave.

I agree that MTV should stop trying to make money off the teenage moms, instead they should be giving them money and helping them with their life. Also, what is it going to help if we are watching these girls struggle in a daily bases wouldn’t it be more effective if MTV go out and talk about teenage pregnancies. Use their voice and inform teenagers about the problem and show them how they are able to get help. MTV has the power to do a lot with their voice so, they should stop making Teen moms famous and inform more.

Finally, to everyone that is reading this, if your going to have sex, use a condom and be safe. So, my last sentence are, wrap it before you tap it. I do not want to see any of you on Teen Mom.

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