Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Occupy Situation

Everyone should know what Occupy Wall Street is or heard of it. If you live in Oakland, you should know what Occupy Oakland is, if not you should go educate yourself on that.

Now to my point, I am getting tired of what is going on. At first, I was all for the protestor and the movement but at the moment I am so tired. This movement has gone voilent. People are getting hurt, the police are out of control. Police, I understand you are doing our job but you need to chill, just because you have the weapons to hurt people, does not mean you should. Let the people protest, it is their right. If they want to protest for what they want and what they believe in, let them. You have a choice to either harm the protestor or let them be, you are not forced to do anything. Please respect the people. You are here to protect us in the first place not to hurt us.

In addition, protestors and people who are involve in the movement, be peaceful. Don't fight back. Do not use harm, show that we are bigger and stronger than the government. Do not turn into the pigs. We should be using our words as weapons. Speak out and educate our youth, they are our future, teach them what they should be doing. The way we are approaching the movement is not smart. We should be working with the city, telling them what we want, how we demand these things to change, and how we are willing to do these things to change it, get their support. We are the people. We can fight and win but we need a new game plan because the one we have now is not working. People are getting hurt world-wide, we are getting shut down. Have a rally that everyone agrees on and one that will not break in a riot. I do now want to wake up the next morning and read something about the Occupy movement saying more people are getting hurt by the police, there were riot, or just anything. I want to wake up in the morning and read that the Occupy movement is getting somewhere. We are making an improvement and working with the cities or cooperate people. Don't make enemies, work with them not against them. We are the 99% but we have to work with the 1% if we want to change anything. Now, don't get me wrong shutting down the banks if a good idea, to get their attention but don't start problems there, keep it peaceful. Don't break windows or vandalize their place.

I don't know if it's just me that feels this way but yeah. I guess I just really want to see a change in the movement. I am happy that more city and states are joining the movement but lets make a difference peacefully. We want to be remember for making a change in a good way but in a way that can bring terror and harm to everyone. We are the 99%.

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