Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Animal Farm Connection to the WORLD. OOOOOOOH.

In the book Animal Farm, Orwell describes how these farm animals have taken over from humans. The pigs in the farm have created their own government and kicked their “leader” out, which was the owner of the farm. That is somewhat what Egypt have done, they were tired of how their government was treating them so, they decided to come together and revolted against their president because the people of Egypt was tired of being demanded and mistreated by the owners. Also how they were nothing to the president. Orwell describes the leader of the farm and who the farm animals would kick out, in life the people are the animals and the humans are the government/ president. They are all commanding and controlling causing the their people to take their rage on the president. At some point people will get tired of being controlled over and take charge and demand what they want in the government.

In addition, Orwell also describes how spreading of revolution, how the farm animals would spread the word about their revolution, and explain how they have kicked out their leader to give other farm the idea to do the same. Tunisia, is the first country that revolted against their government. They were the people who started the revolution that is still spreading all over the world right now. People are hearing how to kick their government out, and what they should or shouldn’t do and enforcing it to their new government.Orwell shows how a revolution can spread to change a lot of farms or country. Right now, a lot of Middle Eastern country are kicking out their government to get what they want. The people are fighting back just like the animals and expanding the growth of everything. Orwell had describe these government as controlling and a big dictatorship.

These are the connections that Orwell made in Animal Farm that is happening in our world today. The book idea shows how if things go back that will happen to the countries.

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