Friday, February 25, 2011


In the book “The Joy Luck Club,” by Amy Tan, talks about four immigrant women who come to America to give their family the life they always wanted. The women would have a meeting every couple of weeks and talk about their past experience. Also it was a way for the women to bond and someone that understands them to know what they are going through.

In the story, Suyuan Woo told a story to her daughter, but every time the women would tell the story to her daughter, Jing-mei Woo, the ending of the story would change over the years. The ending of her story would get darker and darker, as her daughter gets older.  The more Suyuan Woo told the story to her daughter the more her daughter believed the daughter and thought life would get darker.

The reason Suyuan Woo changed her story over the years and why the story got darker is because at one point the story was a happy story it had an happy ending but then over time Suyuan realized life would not be full of happiness. In the past, Suyuan thought that when she would come to America, that her life would be perfect but then it did not. Over the years, she would realized that  her hopes were a let down and kept telling that story to show her new perspective on life. She wanted to changed the story over the years because she did not want to lie to her daughter the way she lied to herself over the years. Suyuan Woo wanted her daughter to know the darker side in life. That not everything you hope and dream for can come true and sometimes it is best to show your child this so they are able to understand the let down in the future life. In addition, Suyuan is showing giving her daughter knowledge about what she has gone through and the pains she has been feeling and she hides it in the story. Also, Suyuan wants to tell her daughter the truth of what is happening and they best way she can is through the story.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


In the article “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior” by Amy Chua, she talks about Western parents and how they take complete control over their children. Chua talks about how her daughters owe her, and that she can do whatever she wants with them because they are her kids. Also, she has rules for them that they have to follow, if they don’t then they are tortured or get called names by their mom. This quote shows how Chua have threaten her child for disobeying her,
“I rolled up my sleeves and went back to Lulu. I used every weapon and tactic I could think of. We worked right through dinner into the night, and I wouldn't let Lulu get up, not for water, not even to go to the bathroom. The house became a war zone, and I lost my voice yelling, but still there seemed to be only negative progress, and even I began to have doubts.”
The way Chua describes the way she treats her children is horrible. If I was her child I would have run away. Even though she says it was to teach them “tough love”, she should never threaten her daughter the way she did. Chua does not seem to give her daughter a lot of respect and think that what she doing is helping them in life but it is really wrong.

Children should not owe their parents for giving life to them. Children should owe their parents for raising them but when the parents give no respect to the child then the child does not owe anything to them. That child should get up and leave the house and never look back because what the parents are doing to them is unfair.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Animal Farm Connection to the WORLD. OOOOOOOH.

In the book Animal Farm, Orwell describes how these farm animals have taken over from humans. The pigs in the farm have created their own government and kicked their “leader” out, which was the owner of the farm. That is somewhat what Egypt have done, they were tired of how their government was treating them so, they decided to come together and revolted against their president because the people of Egypt was tired of being demanded and mistreated by the owners. Also how they were nothing to the president. Orwell describes the leader of the farm and who the farm animals would kick out, in life the people are the animals and the humans are the government/ president. They are all commanding and controlling causing the their people to take their rage on the president. At some point people will get tired of being controlled over and take charge and demand what they want in the government.

In addition, Orwell also describes how spreading of revolution, how the farm animals would spread the word about their revolution, and explain how they have kicked out their leader to give other farm the idea to do the same. Tunisia, is the first country that revolted against their government. They were the people who started the revolution that is still spreading all over the world right now. People are hearing how to kick their government out, and what they should or shouldn’t do and enforcing it to their new government.Orwell shows how a revolution can spread to change a lot of farms or country. Right now, a lot of Middle Eastern country are kicking out their government to get what they want. The people are fighting back just like the animals and expanding the growth of everything. Orwell had describe these government as controlling and a big dictatorship.

These are the connections that Orwell made in Animal Farm that is happening in our world today. The book idea shows how if things go back that will happen to the countries.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


On a lazy autumn evening, the animals came back from a long day of work. The humans gave each animal an ounce of food to consume. It's been a month since sanity has settled at Manor Farm. Rebellion has been taboo to speak of by the animals; except one.
Napolean has had some bitter thoughts about the surrender to be equal to the humans. That night he snuck out through the hole in the fence. He walked passed a lot of shrieking trees afraid he ran and ran until he hit a sign post. One read Manor Farm and another read Atlantic Farm.   
Napolean did not know what Atlantic was but he knew what farm was. He had a glimpse of the future with Atlantic Farm as his new home.
    “One I find hid Atlantic farm, it will be mine, oink! oink! oink!” said Napolean. By dawn the road came to an end and a small barn came to view. The barn was in a open valley. Napolean ran towards the barn and made it to the fence.
    On the other side of the fence Snowball slammed open the fenced door and knocked Napolean out. When Napolean woke up all hazy he looked around and saw a lot of farm animals. A face stuck out most, an old horse.
“Molly? Where am I?” he asked her. Silents fell in the crowd and in front of him the crowded slowly separated into two groups and a stubby little pig walked down.
“My home, comrade” smiles Snowball.
    Surprise by Snowballs appearance he was wide eyed. “Your home?!” asked confusedly.
    “Yes, I been in charge since I was vanished by you.” He nods and walks away.
    Molly walks up to Napolean, “Hi Napolean. It is a fair farm here” smiles and walks off.
    That afternoon there was a meeting at the apple tree by the sty. Everyone had a say on everything and Napolean was intrigue by their new found system. Animals were able to vote for what they wanted and the society a liberal way to live but Napolean disagreed with this system. “I will make things go my way” he talks to himself.
    Slowly, Napolean gained trust over the other farm animals. Snowball was cautious but did not care much about what Napolean had to say or do. He believe that the farm animals were loyal to him. But day, by day Napolean gained control and influence over most the animals in the farm. That is when Napolean begins to manipulate the system to his will.
    Molly fed Snowball her observation about Napolean. To calm his nerves Snowball gather a town meeting in the barn. Snowball begins to speak and from the back of the crowd Napolean screams, “Lets us have change.” All the animals vote for Napolean as there new leader, Snowball was kicked out the farm. That was the last anyone had heard of him.
    It has been 2 months that Napolean have been in charge and the farm has turn into a dictatorship. History has repeat itself again with Atlantic farm.